Monday, January 23, 2012

Can I Hold Your Baby?

Chapter 2 – “Can I Hold Your Baby?”

As I touched on in Chapter 1, strangers on the bus love to give babies their index fingers.  Of course I don’t know where your index finger has been, I don’t want to know.  There were some people that actually told me where their fingers had been when I give them a look which clearly implied that I didn’t want my children to touch them.  “I promise I just washed my hands” – Really?  You JUST washed your hands? – Was there a curb-side sink at the bus stop that I somehow missed?  No, you didn’t JUST wash your hands. 

Yes, of course I realize that it’s cute when a baby can grasp onto something, yes babies are adorable and sometimes irresistible – but, you know what else they are?  They are susceptible to germs, they are carriers of teeny tiny (brand new!) immune systems, and above all they are SO sad to behold when they are sick.  So I ask you, on behalf of all parents, grandparents, nannies, etc who have had to endure this; please, please don’t give your quite possibly clean but more likely filthy (I don’t care which it is) hands to my tiny baby on public transportation. 

We were riding the bus one time and got squished up next to an older woman who fell into this category.  I could tell as soon as I saw her, she was one of them.  We weren’t next to her for 2 minutes and sure enough... out comes the index finger!  Lily was a little bit older now, maybe a year or so, so I was starting to get a little better at dealing with the strangers.  I pulled Lily’s hand away and said, “Honey, it’s not a good idea to touch other people’s hands on the bus”.  I wasn’t mean, I wasn’t rude, I said it in the nicest voice I possibly could (after all, I was directing the comment AT my daughter instead of at this woman) and she became suddenly HORRIBLY offended, as if I announced to the bus that she was filthy and diseased and how DARE she lay hands on my child.  As she pulled her hand away, Lily reached for it (thanks Lil…really helped me out on that one) – and the lady said, “I’m SO sorry honey, but apparently your mother has a problem with me touching you” – Now she and my daughter have somehow conspired and I’M the bad guy.

Though, this was not nearly as bad as the woman who sat next to me and asked if she could “please please please hold the baby?”.  That was a first.  While there are a lot of people who love to give their index fingers to babies, I have encountered only one stranger who asked if she could actually hold her.  Its worth mentioning that this girl was wearing a gold halter-top and was covered in body glitter.  She looked to be in her mid-30’s, and was actually very beautiful.  I told her something about Lily getting upset around strangers (not true) and that she would have a hysterical fit if anyone besides me held her (also not true) – because I figured that was nicer than saying the truth:  You must be high if you think I’m going to let a stranger, a stranger covered in body glitter and 5 pounds of make-up no less, hold my baby on her lap on this crowded, horrible ride home.  Please, share whatever it is you smoked before you boarded this bus so that I too can experience the total lapse from reality that you must be enjoying right now.
At least she didn’t tell me that she just washed her hands, which of course would have been a lie as they too were visibly covered in glitter.

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