Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 2 - 25 Days of Ridiculous Things I See in Holiday Catalogs

Bacon.  Bacon as anything other than something you eat.  Did you know that bacon had become so popular, and I don’t mean just as food, I mean…as décor?  Am I the only one that didn't know this?

 I like bacon just as much as the next person, really I do. It’s delicious and makes most things you put it in taste even better.   It makes eggs better, it makes burgers better, it makes some salads better…and it makes  a peanut butter and banana sandwich better, if you’re pregnant…or Elvis.  So, I’m in no way ANTI-bacon, believe me.  But bacon as décor?  As jewelry?  As a blanket??  I just don’t get it – I think it’s ridiculous, and therefore, perfect for my list.

First off…the bacon blanket.  To me this just looks gross. (though apparently, it's a customer favorite!)

  I don’t think anyone likes bacon because it looks pretty.  The taste, sure it’s excellent.  The smell, oh yes…quite nice.  But, the looks?  No, bacon just doesn’t look pretty, and this particular throw looks like a package of raw ground beef.  Also, it just gives the feeling of greasy.  Who wants to snuggle up on the couch on a cold night under something that makes them feel raw and greasy  (probably don't answer that...)
But I digress.  

And next…bacon bandaids.  Wait...What?  That is disgusting. 

  You want to place a hot greasy strip of pork on an open wound?  Of course the band aid isn’t actually made out of bacon – but, just the idea that you're even simulating that concept is just plain ridiculous....but, I must admit that I'm dying to know what the free prize inside could be.  

And, here’s a bunch more that are for random things, but I noticed something they have in common ....

 Bacon koozie, bacon tie, bacon jacket, (and there are several other items available just like these) ....why is the bacon raw?  I'm not saying I'd ever wear a bacon tie under any circumstances, nor hold my beer in anything that looks like it has cold raw meat wrapped around it.  But, if I did...I think I'd prefer something that at least looks cooked.  I know that's not the point, and the real concern here is...who would actually wear this jacket??? -- but, I'm just confused by the desire to have the meat look raw on these fashionable items.   Why not a crispy bacon koozie?  Although that said, the throw blanket looks raw too, and that's a "customer favorite", so what do I know??

And here it is, in my opinion, the grossest thing in the bacon category…bacon flavored floss and toothpaste.  When you really want your breath to impress, brush with BACON! –

  Really?? That's disgusting and ridiculous. (and now disgusting in cupcake flavor too!)  

And now with this last one, I have a question.  Here is a bacon Christmas tree ornament:

Fine, okay...bacon on your Christmas tree.  After the other disgusting things I spotted, bacon on the tree didn't even phase me.  But what caught my eye is this... if you read the description, it suggests that this ornament is a "great gift for fellow members of the Brotherhood of Bacon".  What?  I got a little scared.  Is this just a cheesy catalog description, or is there such a thing??  Google it, you'll see.....

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