Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 5 - 25 Days of Ridiculous Things I See in Holiday Catalogs

Day 5 – Merry Christmas…here’s some cash -- psych!

Of course these silly catalogs don’t make any money if you’re giving cash this year.  Hmmmm….how can they work that angle?  I know! – Stupid puzzles that trap the cash inside until you solve them! – Awesome!  You feel better about giving an impersonal gift and they still make money off you -- perfect!


Here honey, I couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything personal this year, so here’s some cash.  But wait….not only am I giving you cash as your gift, but you have to solve this frustrating puzzle before you can have it.  Isn’t that cute?  Isn’t it clever?

The only thing cool about this gift is that it's apparently made out of something called "monkeypod wood".  Sounds filthy.

But still, monkeypod wood notwithstanding, I still think that the gift-receiver would probably rather just HAVE the $10.99 (Special Value Price!) you spent on the dumb puzzle in addition to the $20 gift…along with the wasted 20 minutes of their life back. 

I don't mean to sound grinch-ish.  I actually really like receiving giftcards and cash, and I also like to do puzzles on occasion, but honestly I simply see these overpriced products as a stupid way for the company to still make money somehow…even when you’re giving someone CASH as a gift.

It's a good thing that they include in the description the fact that the cash is NOT included in the purchase.  I thought sure that $14.99 could get me a stupid toy AND a $20 bill.

Here’s another big F-you.  Hey…I got you a giftcard…

but wait! - You gotta play this stupid little game before you can have it!  AHH - HA HA HA HA HA!

Why?  Because as they description says...

 I'm just SO TIRED of gift card envelopes.  I mean…aren’t you?  Aren’t you tired of gift card envelopes! – what a nuisance??!?!  how exhausting! - if only there was something less a plastic dollarstore puzzle for nine bucks!

It's not even a particularly good puzzle – it’s the annoying game with the little metal ball that you have to get through the maze.  And since it’s holding your giftcard hostage, it’s even more annoying – and yes, even more ridiculous. 

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