Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 23 - 25 Days of Ridiculous Things I See in Holiday Catalogs

23 -- The Models

Getting close to the end here, and I've neglected to point out some of the amazing models in these silly seasonal catalogs.  There are so many to choose from, so I'll just stick to a few of my favorites.

This guy...whose obnoxious smirk was so superb, not only did they recycle the model...

....they recycled the smirk!  Different hat, different hair even -- but, there's that same sly smile and raised eyebrow.   I can't even concentrate on the fez and bow tie (who is buying these things?) -- because I'm so sucked in by the smirk/eyebrow combo...twice!

And then of course there was this beauty from my Day 1 post, the mom who laughs right in the face of her miserable child.

Actually, let's stick with Pajamagram, it has a lot of fun models to offer.
Show me sleepy (she's probably fresh from The Actors Studio)

Peace, Amy:

 And now it Halloween, or Christmas?
At the risk of sounding practical, aren't these pajamas too hot to actually sleep in?

 Okay, sure....the Josie and the Pussycats outfit is fine, but she's not really selling it.  Let's about a ridiculous outfit that is not sexy in the least, but the model is really going to sell the idea that it is.  Ah yes, here we are:

That's right Mary the Sultry Easter Bunny, your face says sexy, but we all know that with feetie pajamas AND a hood, you are a sweaty mess under that rabbit get-up.

And how I love the group family shots -
Dad is letting Baby Matt stand on a table while they make cookies (not safe)

 While mom is just stirring away completely in her own world, probably spilling batter all over her $60 pajamas, while also sitting on the table (guess that's where Matt picked up his table-top antics...)
 YOU alright??  I learned it by watching you!

 And in the meantime, Greg is on the floor consoling the dog, not just because he was forced to wear hot human pajamas, but also because....

Dad is letting Cindy eat the dog biscuits!!

Most of all I love this kid, who I think was just caught off set contemplating his career -- what the F am I doing here??  Last month I had a spot on Nickelodeon, and now I'm here in long underwear and a ho ho hat?  C'mon!!  My name's not even Matt!  The hell???

It's cool "Matt", at least you're not in this terribly freakish get up.  (I think it's probably not safe for a kid to sleep in this thing, by the way)

Right, Jason?  Am I right???

Yeah, these are all ridiculous, in the most delightful way....

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